The Shoulder Check

On this important day we’re pleased to announce the launch of The #HT40 Foundation’s first initiative – Shoulder Check.


Shoulder Check is on a mission to turn kindness into a contact sport. To show people that ‘being there’ is as simple as reaching out, checking in, and making contact. Being the hand on a shoulder that lets someone know – “I’m here with you.”


Everyone loves the idea of a 'random act of kindness.' But the thing is, kindness isn't random at all. It is a commitment, and it creates meaningful connections that matter more than most people realize. Those small gestures – a simple hand on a shoulder, a smile of acknowledgement or just “you good?” – they matter.


That's why we've created The Shoulder Check - to inspire young men and women everywhere to actively commit to supporting one another, and to give them a way to do it.


Shoulder Check is making Kindness a Contact Sport.


The movement will formally launch the evening of August 3rd at Terry Connors Rink in Stamford CT, where we’ll host a star-studded charity hockey game – The Shoulder Check Showcase. We’ll host two games actually – a 2006 birth year showcase and an NHL player game. Some of the biggest names in the sport – Men’s and Women’s – will be on the ice. And everyone in the building will make the commitment together to officially launch the initiative.

 We’re signing up programs across the country to take part in making the commitment. We’ve got scores of high schoolers and college students working to spread the word. We’ve got world class communications partners working pro bono contributing entire teams to making this a success. And most incredibly, a core team made up completely of friends and loved ones,  contributing not just their time and effort but personifying the very ideal that is the Shoulder Check. It’s incredible.We’re grateful and honored.


Details for the event will be announced soon. Follow @TheShoulderCheck on Instagram and visit for more info.


See you all there.




Introducing The HT40 Foundation